Hello, I am Feby

I am fall in love with Designing❤️

Look at down


My Skills

Adobe Photoshop

My Skills

Adobe Illustrator

My Skills

Adobe Premiere Pro

My Skills

Adobe After Effect

My Skills


My Skills


My Skills

Adobe XD

My Skills

Paint Tool SAI

My Skills

Microsoft Word

My Skills

Microsoft PowerPoint

My Certificate

My Certificate

Lomba Menggambar

My Certificate

Lomba Desain Logo

My Certificate

Lomba Poster

My Certificate

Indonesia Android Kejar

My Creation

My Creation

Banner Design

Art shows in vocational school

My Creation

Logo Philosophy

Logo for an art shows

My Creation

Ragam Nusantara Apps

Created Android apps for quiz

My Creation


For school promotion

My Creation

Poster Training

For promotion training

My Creation

Digital Art

My digital art works

My Creation


Website Warung Musik for indie musician

and much more ...

My Hobby

My Skills


My Skills


My Skills


About Me

  • My Career

    Vocational School

    I began to add my insight into coding and design, ranging from web programming, web design, android programming, digital art, and graphic design

  • My Career

    Internship at
    Bank Indonesia

    In February 2018, I'm trying to work on a real place. Bank Indonesia is the place I've pick to Internship for 3 months. From this internship program I got a lot of new experiences and lessons. train myself to be more confident, work team, and be creative

  • My Career

    College at

    I was accepted by this campus through the SNMPTN pathway, I didn't expect this would happen. thanks to God for this opportunity^^. I am in the education technology department, I hope in the future I can work in the field of education

Find Me On

Pisangan Timur, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta Timur